Insurance for Medical Massage
Medical Massage treatments have been getting some recognition over the years due to its success in treating issues such as chronic pain and injuries. Lots of insurance plans have started to allow for discount or reimbursement for certain types of massage. If they require a prescription, you can typically get a note from your chiropractor, physical therapist, or doctor.

Insurance May Cover Medical Massage
Check with your insurance company to see if and what they cover for massage. They should be able to tell you about sending in your receipts for reimbursement. Once that is all checked out, call me to set up an appointment. We can set up a session and a treatment plan that works for you. Following the appointment, just simply submit your receipt to the insurance company as they explained to you and get partial/full reimbursement (based on your plan).
In the case of an automotive accident or workers compensation case, it’s a little different. You will need a doctor’s prescription to receive coverage and will need to connect with your insurance to verify coverage, but you will also need to find out if they have any specifics about frequency of visits or max number of visits. This may affect our planning of your treatment. In certain cases, I may even be able to bill the insurance company directly if necessary.
Click here for examples of Medical Massage treatments.
The biggest issue I see with people being denied coverage from these types of accidents is hesitation. If you wait to get approval and a prescription, your insurance company may decide to deny coverage because it doesn’t fall in the window of time they allot to get started on a treatment following an accident or issue.
If the insurance company needs any documentation from the treatments, they will contact me directly.
That’s it! It’s not as daunting as people often think! (see our testimonials!)
If you have questions, just call 612-269-2207 and I’ll help you make it easy.